#rsrh Down, boy! No filibuster! No!
I was going to be cute about this, but I’m actually a little tired, so no. There will be no amending of the filibuster next Congress: five Democratic Senators (none of whom are running for re-election...
View Article#rsrh Why the filibuster will probably survive.
(H/T Instapundit) Senator Harkin of Iowa and the two Senator Udalls of Colorado and New Mexico are trying to push a last-minute, lame-duck change in the filibuster rules, presumably so that the...
View ArticleDemocrats, filibusters, and briar patches.
[monotone] Please. Don’t. Stop. [/monotone] Let’s set the (somewhat stylized) scenario, here: The Senate on January 5, 2011 – as per the apparent wishes of Senators Tom Udall of New Mexico and Tom...
View Article#rsrh Revisiting the filibuster.
Over at RedState, Erick Erickson’s written a post calling for people to flood the zone in opposition to changing the filibuster rules. I share that sentiment, and approve of it: and I agree with hogan...
View ArticleFilibuster ‘reform’ near?
Scare quotes, because it’s DC Kabuki Time! For those who are not ‘blessed’ enough to live within the Beltway – or downwind of it – this is that special time in the legislative calendar where federal...
View ArticleTurns out I was wrong on filibuster ‘reform’…
…when I said that the only result would be a symbolic gesture towards ‘reform’ with no real changes. It turns out that progressives didn’t even get that: their precious attempt to deny the Great...
View ArticleIt’s… weird. I’m kind of half-bored with talking about the election for right...
At least in a post; there’s really only so many ways that you can say Well, that sucked. But there’s really nothing much else happening today. i mean, we got Harry Reid feeling his oats and promising...
View ArticleHeritage’s helpful poison pill suggestions if Harry Reid kills the filibuster.
Got sent the link to this via email, and I gotta say: some of them are quite fun. I especially like this one: A new two-thirds point of order against any net tax increase on the American people as...
View ArticleHarry Reid… does not *cave* on the filibuster. Rather, he *disengages*.
Call it a “fighting retreat.” Or a disinclination to fight in a burning house. So, the big news today is that Harry Reid apparently voluntarily spit out some of his fangs on the filibuster. They’re...
View ArticleReport: Chuck Hagel not at 60 to confirm.
Just at rumor level at this point: Senate aide confirms, at this juncture, Reid doesn’t have the 60 votes to move Hagel — Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) February 14, 2013 …and do not get your hopes up. But...
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